Young Park

Young Park is a South Korean artist living in Switzerland, who captures human emotions and nature’s beauty in paintings which evoke emotion and a sense of humanity.

Young was born on Jeju Island in South Korea. Her early work consisted of mainly facial sketching’s. It wasn’t until she moved to Australia in her 20’s that her potential began to be realised.

Her early work was spotted by her partner and he encouraged her to try working in acrylics. Her first painting, a copy of Van Eyck’s ‘Man in a Red Turban’ really showed her true potential as a real artist. She is completely self-taught.

Travelling often, Young is often moved by the people she sees, her favoured medium being faces. All of these elements help her create works that are both impressionistic and contemporary in style.

Young's art studio

“Young’s work covers the walls of her studio,” says a long-time friend and follower. “You cannot stop looking at her painting, for example ‘Boy hiding his Pain’ the emotion and hurt portrayed in his eyes is amazing”

this creates a canvas really worth celebrating.

For Young, art is not simply a creative channel, it is her passion and her way of expressing emotion in all its forms

Young's exhibition catalogue

Young invited to the Nu Icons lounge at the Fashion Hotel, Zurich.

Young featuring in the centre pages of Nu Icons first edition.

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